As an interdisciplinary field, the academic backgrounds of the science of public finance in Turkey dates back to 1944. In Erciyes University, Department of Public Finance has been founded within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in 1993.
The aim of Public Finance undergraduate program is to train students who will work in public sector, particularly in the fields of public finance and auditing, banks operating in the semi-public and private sectors, financial institutions, and other enterprises. In pursuing this goal, we offer classes, in cooperation with other departments, related to fundamentals of economics and legal sciences in the first years of study. Last years are mainly devoted to subjects regarding public finance, such as public revenues and expenditures, fiscal theory, budget, government debts, and local governments.
Our department consists of four academic divisions: Fiscal Theory, Fiscal Law, Fiscal Economics, Budget and Fiscal Planning. In the department of public finance 11 academic staffs – 1, professor, 2 associated professor, 4 assistant professors, 1 lecturer and 3 research assistants- work. Currently, we have a total of 931 undergraduate students, 62 of whom are graduate students, enrolled in our program.
ERU FEAS, Department of Public Finance have been accredited by AQAS, an international accreditation organization based in Germany, for a period of 7 years, valid from December 7, 2020 until December 30, 2027.
Department of Public Finance Secretary: Tuçe Gevher KENDİR
Phone: + 90 352 207 6666 - Ext: 30400
E-Mail: [email protected]
Goals and Objectives
The scientific preparation program of the Department of Public Finance was opened for graduates of other faculties, other than graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Finance, Economics and Political Science and Public Administration.
Duration of the Program
In the scientific preparation program, if the student fails the specified courses in two semesters his/her registration is canceled. The period spent in this program is not included from the period of master.
Provisions for Registration
To be able to apply for a scientific preparation program, candidates should satisfy the following criteria:
In the calculation of the success grade of the candidates applying to the scientific preparation program; ranking is made considering 50% of ALES score, 30% of undergraduate graduation grade, 20% of foreign language grade. The grade calculated in this way must be at least 50. There are no written exam and interview exam for the program.
See for detailed information (Turkish) :
Goals and Objectives
M.A. program of Business Administration Department was opened on 7.11.1984. other faculties, other than graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Finance, Economics and Political Science and Public Administration.
Duration of the Program
In the scientific preparation program, if the student fails the specified courses in two semesters his/her registration is canceled. The period spent in this program is not included from the period of master.
Provisions for Registration
To be able to apply for a scientific preparation program, candidates should satisfy the following criteria:
In the calculation of the success grade of the candidates applying to the scientific preparation program; ranking is made considering 50% of ALES score, 30% of undergraduate graduation grade, 20% of foreign language grade. The grade calculated in this way must be at least 50. There are no written exam and interview exam for the program.
See for detailed information (Turkish) :