2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester
- Registration renewal procedures for spring semester will be held between the dates 11-18 February 2025. Late registration will not be made in the spring semester of 2024-2025 academic year. Student are required to register for courses in the declared range. The Add-Drop processes between the dates 19-21 February 2025 will be applicable just for the students who have completed the registration process on time.
- Tuition fee will be made during the announced date. Student will not need to pay the tuition fee for the course registration process (Except Evening Education students). They can directly begin the registration process.
- Course numbers that students subject to the old regulation registered cannot exceed the course number of 3 for mid-classes and number of 4 for last classes during the spring semester. (Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Turkish Language and Graduation Project are not counted here). To be counted as last year student, student must enroll at least one course.
- Quotas are introduced for elective courses from second class. The quota for each course is designated as 80. After the quota is reached, students are required to choose one of the other elective courses. There will be no quota application for those who repeat the course.
- First grade students and students with low GPA (less than 2.00) cannot take courses from upper classes. Students who have GPA above 2.00 and do not fail their previous courses and also who has to take course from previous grades but has GPA above 2.50 can take at most two upper classes courses. Students who have GPA between 1.00 and 1.99 can take maximum 75% of the course load. On the other hand, students who have GPA below 1.00 can take maximum 50% of the course load. Second and third year students’ (including the students that have repeated courses) weekly course hours cannot exceed 27 while it is 30 hours for fourth year students. Courses such as Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Turkish Language and Graduation Project are included the weekly course load. All courses are mandatory for students who are in the first class of the Department of International Relations and Political Science and Public Administrations.
- Second, third and fourth grade students cannot register to elective courses more than the number specified in the curriculum.
- From the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year, there will be no cancelation of the courses that are chosen more than it’s required in a semester by the students. For graduation students has to be successful in extra elective courses.
- If students fail to comply with the course limits specified in the relevant articles and if this is detected, then extra course or courses will be canceled. In addition to this, there will be a disciplinary investigation for those.
- Students will firstly take the compulsory courses and repeated courses. Compulsory courses are Turkish, Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution and the Graduation Project/Application.
- Students cannot take courses from upper grades while they have courses from previous grades. Also, they cannot take with dropping the course that does not give the opportunity of repetition.
- If Students (middle grades students), who cannot take any courses in current semester because they need to take 9 repeated courses limits, cannot take some of the courses due to prerequisite situations, then they cannot take courses to complete the course limitations by the registration dates.
- Students who wish to change their course should consult to their advisor before the date 21 February 2025.
- There will be no alterations about registration and courses outside of the registration renewal dates except the situation of the not opened mandatory courses.
- Students who do not succeed in prerequisite course or courses are not allowed to register for prerequisite courses (even if they had the course or courses before this rule was set up). In the case where student enrolled in a class while he/she does not adequate for the prerequisite the registration will be considered invalid and disciplinary investigation will be opened.
http://obisis.erciyes.edu.tr will be used for course registration.