ERU - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Announcement Regarding Scholarship-Free Student Exchange Programs - Application Deadline July 8, 2024


Under Academic Collaborations, our university plans student exchanges for the Fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year with universities abroad. Selections for interested students will be made by their respective faculties/institutes. Application documents, conditions, and requirements are provided in the following link.


Students will be selected based on 50% of their overall GPA from the Fall semester of 2023-2024 and 50% of their language proficiency scores for the academic exchange in the Fall semester of 2024-2025. The minimum GPA requirement is set at 2.50 for undergraduate and 2.75 for graduate students. Each department can nominate up to 5 students.

Selected students will not receive any grants. They will be responsible for covering all expenses including travel, accommodation, food, insurance, etc. However, they will not need to pay tuition fees at the host university but must fulfill their obligations at our university.

The deadline for applications is July 8, 2024.

Please submit your applications to Ebru ALEGÖZ, Administrative Officer at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (ERU FEAS).